Location: Chicago, IL.
Gender: Male.
More About Me.
Hobbies: Writing fiction, and poetry, mink farming, selling out, creating the seven wonders of the world from play-doh. Currently I'm working on a quilt of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Latest News: is already old.
Favorite Quote
"Homer: (On George Bush) I didn't vote for him! Marge: You didn't vote for anybody. Homer: I voted for Prell to go back to the old glass bottle. Then I became deeply cynical."
Wow!!! I better start gardening and hunting more as there is nowhere left to shop in Alaska Jesusland! Sarah W.
Online shopping Sarah, Online shopping.
Y'all don't got much to choose from do ya???
Y'all?!?... Did someone actually use the term Y'all on my blog!
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